Happy Birthday Gram Parsons

On this day was born in Winter Haven, Florida, 1946 the man that would, with his bands – International Submarine Band, The Byrds and The Flying Burrito Brothers, fuse the  genres of country and rock and roll and change the landscape of both forever.

Gram Parsons was also pivotal in introducing Emmylou Harris, then a single-mother and folk singer working in coffee houses outside Washington, D.C., to country music and her to the world.

Gram Parsons certainly earned his place in music history within his short life (he died of a drug overdose at the age of 26 in a hotel room in Joshua Tree, California) and certainly blongs in the Country Music Hall of Fame , alongside one of 2008’s inductees Emmylou Harris.


3 Replies to “Happy Birthday Gram Parsons”

  1. thx for the reminder……i listen to gram regularly….30 yrs later…..thats a good measure of quality…if he was with us, i would say “thanks, please sing Hickory Wind”

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