Deadstring Brothers to Release “Silver Mountain” 10/9/07

Looks like it’s shaping up to be a sleazy, greasy Fall.  Detroit-based Deadstring Brothers are taking some time
from the road to follow up 2006’s Starving Winter Report (Bloodshot Records) this October with “Silver Mountain”
(Bloodshot Records.)

Produced in the band’s own recording studio,Silver Mountain boasts the tunesmanship of The Faces and the barroom
howl of The Band stewed together in homage to the blues of the American South and dancehalls of the urban factory
North. Music like this formed the genesis of album-oriented FM rock—this record showcases high energy bluesy rave-ups
and hymnal country ballads. Silver Mountain is a coming out party for sultry singer Masha Marjieh. Gritty and seductive,
reminiscent of ‘60s era Tina Turner, Masha steps into the spotlight on eight of the 11 tracks, showcasing her hot-blooded
and lustful voice, leaving no doubt that the biggest heart in the room now belongs to this soulful vocalist. Harmonica
player Mickey Raphael also took a break from his place alongside the great Willie Nelson, contributing to “The Light
Shines Within” and “Slow Down.”

Much of the story behind Silver Mountain is the band’s late nights at the Heavy Load, an underground club night in London’s West End, where they met future Brother Spencer Cullum. Led by Heavy Load Rob and his very lovely wife, Hippy Karen, the Heavy Load debuted in 1999 and celebrates vintage rock music from the 60s to the mid-70s. It’s music that really makes you feel at home, says Heavy Load Rob, and apparently he’s right—Now in its 8th year, the Heavy Load is one of the most popular club nights in London, attracting an enthusiastic crowd, and in turn, defining a scene, much like the dance nights and local bands that played at The Factory eventually became part of rock history. It was only a matter of time before the Heavy Load’s playlists from the past influenced a new breed of bands.

The Deadstring Brothers – New Shit


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